Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Diva Challenge #184 - ING, and other good stuff

Three challenges

Diva Challenge #184 - ING

The dictionary description of "ing" says:
a suffix of nouns formed from verbs, expressing the action of the verb or its result, product,material, etc. 
 All I keep thinking about is Westley telling Count Rugen "We are men of action. Lies do not become us."  How is it that The Princess Bride provides an applicable sentiment for any discussion?  It's better than the Book of Proverbs!  Well, that is a discussion for another day.

"Ing" is an agent of change to action.  It changes whatever it is attached to.  It is a vehicle for countless nouns to be reborn as something new.

This was my first encounter with ING, and at first glance I was unimpressed.  Then I started playing with the surfaces created by the triangles, and things got interesting.  I found that, like the inspiration sculpture, there are surfaces and recesses created, and they are just wait-ING to be Tangled.  I really love the innie and outie aspects of ING. So patterns you use on the surfaces of ING can become something new. And there are optical effects created that make what you see change into something new as your eye travels over and into the pattern.   I will definitely use this one again.

Here is what I came up with for the Diva Challenge:
ING with Printemps, Quabog, and White and Black Pearls
NEXT UP:  Joey's Weekly Tangle Challenge #25 - Leaflet

I've never used this one before, but found it was quite fun to draw.  I added a little hatching in the center and on the edges for depth, and I like the effect.  I did a practice page in my sketchbook which is actually better than the tile, but I am stubborn and always like to submit a "real" Zentangle tile. 


ONE MORE:  Square One: Purely Zentangle - Using Quib

I'm usually not a ribbon-y tangler, but for these last two tiles, I seem to be in that mode. It's fun, and that's what I like about all these challenges.  They force you to do something new and different.
So, another week down, and I managed three challenges virtually stress-free.  I can do this!

Happy Tangling, everyone.


  1. Wow, al these three pieces are awesome. Your ING piece is breathtaking. I love your Quabog in this tile. Leaflet is very organic and has a lot of movement, and your quib piece has a great border and ribbons in the quib. Looks like an underwater plant. Great and well done.

  2. I like all three tiles a lot. You add some little details to it that I love.

  3. They're all beautiful tiles! Nice combination: ING and Quabog. Leaflet is very delicately done.

  4. Three beautiful well designed Tiles. Love your bold ING patterns, and your Quabog pattern is so alive. Love your placement of the black and white pearls.

  5. Your ING is startlingly dramatic. I love the pattern at the top that seems to sway back and forth. Your leaflet is just lovely.

  6. Great work on all three tiles. You are brave using Quabog. I have not attempted it yet. As you said, the challleges can stretch us. Maybe it will take something like that to get me to use it. In all of your tiles you created some great perspective with your shading. Really like the effect of your curving and shading on the border on the last one.

  7. I love these tiles. Your use of ING is so quirky. Well done.

  8. Love your ING tile! It looks like you had lots of fun creating it. Nice job :)

    Stay tangly,

    1. Thank you. I keep thinking bowling balls coming down the chute.

  9. Your tiles are nice. Love what you did with Quib. Also like the ING tile. Is Quabog the trumpety looking tangle?

    1. Thanks! Yes the trumpety ones is Quabog. So fun to draw!

  10. It looks like a crown and you are right so many surfaces to play! Very interesting

  11. These are all nice, but the ING tile…fantastic! Very nice contrast and it just looks like fun!
