Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A BYOB tangle

So the Diva (in this case, her stand-in) posted a challenge but I didn't have a blog to link with.  So...I'm giving this a shot to start my very own blog. Here is the tile for the challenge I missed last week - oh well!

The challenge was to use a beverage of choice in a tangle. I love my cuppa joe, so that's what I used. Dribbled first, let that dry, then spattered.  Then I tangled on that.
Now I just need to figure out how to connect with the Diva!


  1. This is a terrific Challenge Tile. You would have received a lot of excited comments on this excellent response had it linked to the Diva Challenge Mr. Linky. I love this design. You have a real talent and I am looking forward to enjoying your work in the future.
