Wednesday, October 1, 2014

#187: Blind String

When the Diva's latest challenge came out, I was so pleased with that.  I love those deals with a paper tablecloth and you are challenged to close your eyes and draw your table companion.  The results can be hilariously accurate. Or not...    I always enjoyed children's games like pin the tail on the donkey and blind man's bluff which involve a blindfold.  It was really fun to call all your other senses into play. 

When it comes to Zentangle, the blind string challenge plays right along with all that.

However, there is another sobering side to this issue.   I am very nearsighted, and being the "mature" lady that I am, my glasses these days are the graduated tri-focal kind.  The difference in my distance and reading prescription is vast.  When I am doing close work, like threading a needle, reading tiny print like the back of a CD case or, yes, ZENTANGLE(!), I actually take my glasses off and put the object about eight inches from my eyes.  Then I can see just fine.  But I have a real fear of age-related vision problems.  Cataracts, macular degeneration, and who knows what else could spell a real disaster for me.  Because of astigmatism, cataract surgery would not be the magic bullet that it is for some people.  I could lose that close-up vision clarity at some point.  My aunt, who loved to do needlework, suffered from macular degeneration and eventually became blind.  This is so scary to me. 

I guess what I mean to say is I am thankful for ever-improving medical treatments and I rejoice in every day I can wake up and see this beautiful world!  And do Zentangle!

All that (sort of bummer) stuff out of my system, here is what I came up with in answer to the challenge.  I did two strings, which I have posted here:

The first finished tile is a bit fuss-budget-y I think, but the other one turned out pretty well.  I got obsessed with twirly things going on.  I also did something I swore I would never do - used Bronx Cheer to fix a "mistake".  Once I got going, though, I kind of liked them.  You might have to flip the second one around in your mind to match the string - sorry! 


  1. i like both , but the second one is more balanced. most of the entries for this challenge, have the tendency to look overloaded, that's how i also see my own.....

  2. Love your blog. Yes as we get older there are many things to not look forward to. I agree that it is a true blessing to be able to wake up each day and enjoy this life we live in. That being said. I like both of your tiles. The second one is my favorite.

  3. i really like those roses in the first tile - just lovely!

  4. Both are beautiful and I can´t decide for a favorite! Wonderful your choice of tangles!

  5. Two very nice tiles - I like the pokeleaf and zingers in the first tile. I sympathize with your vision problems. I have usable vision in only one eye - had it my whole life and I live in fear of damaging that eye, which now needs bifocals. As you say, you have to have faith in medical advances.

  6. Both are really great, but the first one is my absolute favorite, however I don't know why exactly. It just 'speaks' to me. I recognize what you write about taking of your glasses if you do some fine work. When tangling I use reading glasses is stead of my tri-focal ones. The eye specialist told me that that's quite normal and 'the thing to do'.

  7. Both tiles are beautiful, but I prefer the second one with great Kyte and other tangles chosen!

  8. Beautiful and skillful Pattern work. Love your designs. Both Tiles are remarkable. I like them very much. So well done.

  9. I really like both of them and your bronx cheer certainly doesn't look like it is covering any mistakes! What mistake? :)
